As part of a recent study I conducted for my book, I had the privilege of interviewing women who are divorced and raising children on their own. Until then, I had never met a superheroine. These women portray strength, grace and determination that would make even Super Woman look weak.
The common thread amongst these women was providing a standard of living for their children that was not diminished just because they were now a single-income family. Some worked more than one job and others were busy working on attaining new skill sets so that they could have better job opportunities.
It was also noted that women that had been divorced for more than 5 years were more likely to seek to expand their social circle, which could include finding a mate. However, self-esteem, confidence and trust issues were on the top of their ‘to fix’ list.
In my book “Life Reset” I address these very elements with simple yet effective strategies that – once implemented consistently – can change their outlook on themselves and their environment. Let’s look at the three ways to increase self-esteem and confidence.
Be kind to yourself
This cannot be stressed enough. As a single parent, it’s easy to not take care of yourself. The little voice that speaks to you is a powerful voice. A good rule of thumb is to speak to yourself in the same way that you’d speak to your friends. Challenge your negative self-talk with positive, less harsh words. Become your own biggest fan by acknowledging your amazing qualities.
Do things that make you happy
When you spend time doing the things you enjoy, you’re more likely to think positively. Try to schedule in a little time just for you each day. Note the things that make you feel relaxed, such as reading, cooking, exercising or whatever else suits your fancy. If it makes you happy, make time to do it.
Celebrate your victories
No matter how small or big … celebrate all of your accomplishments. Celebrating victories is a great way to boost your confidence and feel better about yourself.
There are huge benefits that can be seen once we raise our own self-worth and there is nothing more beautiful than a woman who stands tall on her feet and exudes a confident and happy outlook.
You can find other tips and strategies for learning to live authentically with more confidence and self-love, in my book “Life Reset.” Please visit for more details. If you would like a FREE Consultation where we will explore not only where you may be held back, but also strategies to breakthrough blockages and envision what life could be like beyond the blind spots, contact me at