Anju Ahluwalia
Reiki Practitioner, Complimentary Healing Coach and Empowerment Public Speaker at Self Love
I am all about empowering others on the journey of self-love and becoming the best versions of themselves, so they can travel on the road of recovery feeling stronger and in control of their own destiny. My saying in life is that Self Love is not vanity but sanity and this is what I instil in all my clients so that they can travel on the road of transformation and fulfil their dreams and ambitions.
Reiki Session | prices available on request |
Healing Coaching | prices available on request |
Workshops | prices available on request |
Over the last 11 years I have worked in the field of Domestic and Sexual abuse at all different levels from a Case Worker, Independent Domestic Violence Advocate (IDVA), Independent Sexual Violence Advocate (ISVA) Senior IDVA, Project Manger and Senior Operations Manager directing survivors to a place of safety for themselves and their children as well as supporting my teams to work in a holistic way to support survivors to take control back for there own lives.
I am a survivor of sexual abuse who has taken that negative experience and used it to shape me into the women I am today, who is full of love and compassion for others to move on to a journey of positivity and self-love. After getting married I experienced a lot of negativity from the family that I got married into, just because I did not fit their interpretation of what a daughter in law should be like. I was a whole circle who they wanted to fit into a square hole, which did not work for me. I overcame the notion of who they wanted me to be and I travelled on my journey of self love and empowerment so that I could give more to the universe via humanity. I set up Self LoVe 18 months ago, where I am complementary healing coach and reiki practitioner specialising in the direction of Self-love and everyone understanding that “loving yourself is not vanity but sanity”. I use NLP, coaching and healing to help individuals to find the direction they want to walk on.
I run workshops that empower people to UNDERSTAND that they are the ones that hold their life in their own hands and can manifest what ever they want when they are in the right mind frame to do so. The types of workshops I run are manifestation and vision boards, financial planning and abundance, Self love and visions.